
Customizing Your Tummy Tuck in Long Island

Each tummy tuck is different, and the following is intended to provide some general details about the procedure. The plastic surgeons at Precision Medical Arts will discuss your options and personal cosmetic goals during your consultation.

Dr. Kiridly examining a patient's abdomen
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What are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

For the right patients, a tummy tuck in Long Island can successfully treat the appearance of:

  • Loose stomach skin and stretched abdominal muscles following pregnancy and childbirth
  • Excess skin that forms around the abdomen with significant weight loss
  • Age-related loss of abdominal muscle tone and skin tone
  • Fat deposits around the midsection can linger even with increased exercise and positive dietary changes

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Your Initial Tummy Tuck Consultation

Your path to achieving a firmer, more sculpted midsection starts with a comprehensive consultation at Precision Medical Arts. Our experienced surgeons will discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations during this private session, review your medical history, and conduct a physical examination. They will explain the tummy tuck procedure in detail, including the techniques that may be used, and address any questions or concerns you have about the surgery, recovery, and potential outcomes. Finally, they will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Our aim is to ensure you feel confident, informed, and comfortable with every aspect of your tummy tuck procedure.

Tummy Tuck Procedure Details

Before Your Surgery

Prior to surgery, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully in order to avoid complications and delayed healing. If you smoke, you will need to quit for around 4-6 weeks before and after your procedure. You may also need to discontinue certain medications, such as blood thinners (aspirin and NSAIDs). You should follow a healthy diet leading up to your tummy tuck, drink lots of water, and get ample rest. 

In addition, you should schedule someone to drive you home and assist you on the day of your appointment, as you will be woozy from anesthesia. Prepare your living space for recovery by placing your most necessary items within arm’s reach of the bed and stocking up on essentials like water, towels, snacks, and magazines. Be sure to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that can be easily removed to your appointment.

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On the Day of Your Surgery

On the day of your surgery, you will undergo a series of steps as follows:

  1. General anesthesia or IV sedation will be administered, ensuring you are completely unconscious throughout the surgery. While you are asleep, we will carefully monitor your vital signs, keeping you safe and protected.
  2. Your surgeon will then create an incision stretching across the belly between the navel and your pubic hairline. The length of the incision is usually determined by the amount of skin that needs to be removed. Scarring will later be hidden by the bikini line. In some cases, an additional incision might be created within the belly button.
  3. The skin is pulled down, allowing your surgeon to firm the belly muscles and remove drooping skin folds. The remaining skin is then sutured into place, and the belly button may be relocated to a more youthful-looking location.
  4. If necessary, drainage tubes may be placed at this stage. These drains help rid the body of excess fluids and blood, accelerating the healing process.
  5. Finally, the incisions are closed using sutures and surgical tape. The treatment area is bandaged, and the patient is fitted with a compression garment to help reduce swelling and keep the newly sculpted contours in pristine condition.
  6. After you heal, you will enjoy a flatter, tighter midsection that is more proportionate to your overall physique. You will be able to choose from a wider range of clothing and swimwear selections, and you may experience increased vitality and energy with optimized workouts.
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Who is a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck in Long Island?

Good candidates for tummy tucks are nonsmokers, in good overall health, and who desire a tighter profile around the midsection. Women who plan to have children are advised to postpone an abdominoplasty until after childbirth; the physical stress of pregnancy can adversely affect the muscles tightened during many types of tummy tuck procedures.

Similarly, those who plan to undergo dramatic weight loss should defer an abdominoplasty until they are within their ideal weight range. Major weight loss often leaves the type of loose, sagging skin that tummy tucks seek to correct. Though it removes excess fat and skin, an abdominoplasty itself is not a weight-loss method or substitute for exercise.

An Abdominoplasty Tailored to You

If you’re considering a tummy tuck in Long Island, you may have encountered the terms “mini tummy tuck” and “partial abdominoplasty” or heard about tummy tucks that use liposuction. Every abdominoplasty is intended to restore a slimmer and more toned appearance to the stomach and waistline by removing excess tissue and tightening the abdominal muscles, but the method varies depending on your body type and cosmetic goals.

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What is Recovery Like After a Tummy Tuck in Long Island?

Healing after a tummy tuck can vary greatly from one person to another. Several factors, including your overall health, the complexity of your surgery, and your adherence to post-operative care instructions, play a role in the duration of your recovery. While some patients can get back to their regular activities within a few weeks, others may need more time to heal completely. Additionally, individual differences in the body's healing process can affect recovery times. At Precision Medical Arts, we offer personalized guidance and support to ensure you recover at a pace that is comfortable for you. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way, providing the care and attention needed for a smooth and successful recovery.

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Types of Abdominoplasties

  • Many patients benefit from a mini tummy tuck, which significantly reduces the excess skin and fat from the region below the belly button. Also known as a partial abdominoplasty, a mini tummy tuck uses a smaller incision than a traditional tummy tuck, and it is well suited for those who want a taut, smooth stomach and don’t have loose skin and extra fat in the upper abdomen.
  • A traditional, or complete, tummy tuck constricts the vertical abdominal muscles via a hip-to-hip incision. Excess skin is removed for a smooth appearance, and liposuction may be performed to provide natural-looking contours around the waist.

Your plastic surgeon in Long Island will discuss your abdominoplasty options with you in detail during your consultation and outline a custom plan based on your unique body type and cosmetic objectives.

What Procedures Can Be Combined With a Tummy Tuck in Long Island?

Tummy tuck results can be greatly enhanced with the addition of liposuction, which ensures that the midsection is freed from sagging skin and weakened abdominal muscles and liberated from stubborn pockets of exercise-resistant fat. A tummy tuck is also often combined with a mommy makeover, which involves a series of customized procedures to help moms reclaim their vitality and physique after childbirth. In addition to abdominoplasty and liposuction, a mommy makeover usually incorporates breast surgery and labiaplasty

Lastly, there is no reason why a tummy tuck cannot be paired with an arm lift, thigh lift, or other cosmetic surgery of your choice. Combining procedures provides many benefits for patients, including reduced downtime and enhanced cost-effectiveness. Speak with your plastic surgeon during your private consultation if you are interested in learning more about a combination approach to achieving your aesthetic goals.

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Why Choose Precision Medical Arts for Your Tummy Tuck in Long Island?

We offer the latest in plastic surgery with a comprehensive team of specialists who will guide you through the recovery process. Our patients are treated with an unparalleled level of care throughout the course of their treatment. Our doctors have decades of experience working in reconstructive and aesthetic medicine, and we provide our patients with the best possible results.

With the latest technology and techniques available, our patients can rest assured that they will receive the highest level of care possible. At our practice, you'll receive expert-level care from knowledgeable and compassionate surgeons. We're dedicated to providing you with the best possible results, and we have a long history of happy patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you achieve your goals. 

Your Tummy Tuck Recovery Timeline

Recovery times and overall experience following a tummy tuck in Long Island vary slightly according to the extent of the procedure and other individual factors. Most patients can resume routine activities within a few weeks, and sutures may be removed within a week or two.

Full recovery can take up to a month or so, during which time your plastic surgeon will monitor your post-surgery progress and clear you for increased activity and exercise. Your surgeon will thoroughly review your recovery guidelines and expectations with you before your procedure.

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Ready for Your Consultation?

With a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise, the results of your abdominoplasty will last for years. To learn if a tummy tuck can help you regain a more youthful figure, please contact us to schedule your consultation at one of our Long Island locations.

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Tummy Tuck FAQ

What risks are associated with a tummy tuck?

Are tummy tucks covered by insurance?

Will my results be permanent?

Can a tummy tuck surgery remove stretch marks?

How long does it take to get bikini-ready after a tummy tuck on Long Island?

Will tummy tuck surgery help me lose fat?

Where is the scar of a tummy tuck?

How painful will my recovery be?

What risks are associated with a tummy tuck?

Potential risks include infection, adverse reactions to anesthesia, changes in skin sensation, scarring, asymmetry, and poor wound healing. Our team at Precision Medical Arts takes every precaution to minimize these risks.

Are tummy tucks covered by insurance?

Tummy tucks are generally considered cosmetic procedures and are not covered by insurance. However, partial coverage may be possible if there is a medical necessity, such as repairing a hernia. It's best to consult with your insurance provider.

Will my results be permanent?

The outcomes of a tummy tuck can endure for many years, particularly if you maintain a consistent weight and a healthy lifestyle. However, substantial weight changes and pregnancies following the procedure may impact the results.

Can a tummy tuck surgery remove stretch marks?

A tummy tuck can eliminate some stretch marks, especially those on the lower abdomen. However, any stretch marks outside the area where the skin is removed will remain.

How long does it take to get bikini-ready after a tummy tuck on Long Island?

Most patients are bikini-ready within 3-6 months post-surgery, depending on their healing process. Following your surgeon's post-operative care instructions is crucial for optimal results.

Will tummy tuck surgery help me lose fat?

While a tummy tuck removes excess skin and tightens muscles, it is not primarily a fat-loss procedure. However, it can be combined with liposuction to remove stubborn fat deposits for a more contoured appearance.

Where is the scar of a tummy tuck?

The scar from a tummy tuck typically runs horizontally across the lower abdomen, positioned to be concealed by underwear or swimwear. Over time, this scar will fade and become less noticeable.

How painful will my recovery be?

Recovery pain varies but is usually manageable with prescribed pain medications. Most patients experience discomfort and swelling for the first few weeks, which gradually subsides. Our team will provide you with detailed pain management instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Schedule a Consultation

The first step in your journey is a private consultation with us at Precision Medical Arts. You can expect our professionals to listen closely to your concerns, and to work with you individually at every step to ensure you are delighted with your results, and enjoying a happier, more confident life.

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